Fiica Venerei

You Are From Venus

You love all forms of beauty. You love dressing up and anything luxurious.
A social butterfly, you’re incredibly popular and a great host.
You’re known for your fairness and affection. And as a friend to all.
Careful though! Your desire to please may make you too willing to conform.
Be yourself. Focus on what matters to you. You’ll be all the more popular for it.
Ce le-a fătat mintea

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No Responses

  1. anapauper says:

    Neptun… hm.

    You are dreamy and mystical, with a natural psychic ability.
    You love music, poetry, dance, and (most of all) the open sea.
    Your soul is filled with possibilities, and your heart overflows with compassion.
    You can be in a room full of friendly people and feel all alone.
    If you don’t get carried away with one idea, your spiritual nature will see you through anything.

  2. Lorena Lupu says:

    ei vezi… ce frumos le zice?

  3. drugwash says:

    Cred că n-am răspuns corect la întrebări. Mi-a ieşit Pluto, dar prea mă încadrez la Neptun, citind comentariul Anei.

    Hmmm… sau poate sufăr de personalitate multiplă?

  4. Lorena Lupu says:

    ba eu cred că te încadrezi perfect la Pluto. Dacă-mi permiţi o opinie.

  5. drugwash says:

    Ce mod elegant de-a spune că sînt doar o javră de cîine…

    Pfuahahahahahah!!! :))

  6. lupucusenile says:

    “[…]you’re desire[…]” vrea sa fie cu “your”. poti sa stergi acest FYI 😉

  7. Lorena Lupu says:

    oops, n-am observat. ai mare dreptate, lupule.

  8. drugwash says:

    Ie unii care nu ştiie să scriie…

    Potaie, zici? Mrrrrrrrrrrr… 😉

  9. Me says:

    Tocmai am aflat ca sunt de pe soare.Inseamna ca in momentele proaste am de fapt insolatie 🙂

    Of all your friends, you’re the shining star.( asa o fi daca ma gandesc ce crize de gelozie ii apuca uneori)
    You’re dramatic – loving attention and the spotlight.(hm, nu prea, dar….)
    You’re a totally entertainer and the life of the party.(daca ma gandesc la anumite casete filmate, ma mir si acum de unde pot scoate atatea nazdravanii)
    Watch out! The Sun can be stubborn, demanding, and flirty.( da , stiu)
    Overall, you’re a great leader and great friend. The very best!( asa scrie si pe ultima evaluare psiho.O fi stiind ei ceva.)

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